your first stop on
the road to health

Dressel Chiropractic was created in 2019 to serve Western New York by providing safe, effective, and affordable care for a myriad of conditions. Utilizing the latest in evaluation and treatment options, we are able to not only properly diagnose any ache or pain you’re experiencing, but also bring you quick relief for that condition.


Our promise to you

We have one goal at Dressel Chiropractic: Fix your problem. This starts with diagnosing the issue at hand and explaining it to you clearly and concisely, meaning you’ll be able to describe it back to your friends and family later. If required, we will be able to refer you for any further diagnostic imaging, including X-Ray, MRI, and CT scans.

Once we begin treatment, we promise to treat you only as much as your condition requires. Our goal is to actually get you out of our office and back to your normal life!

We find our patients are some of the most satisfied in the area, as they never feel they’re sold endless treatment plans or expensive therapies they don’t need.


Conditions We Treat

Our office utilizes modern treatment techniques that allow us to not only treat, but heal significant injuries.
Scroll down to learn more about the most common conditions we encounter.


Sciatica is a term often used to describe any pain, tingling, numbness, or weakness that travels down one or both of the legs. Typically, this is caused by irritation of the nerves of the lower back and is extremely treatable in our office. If you ever feel “pins and needle” sensations, or find it difficult to lift your leg up a flight of stairs or into your car, you are likely dealing with a sciatic issue.

Pain in the lower back is the most common condition we treat. Thankfully, when diagnosed properly patients often find they receive relief within just a few visits. Pain from the lower back (lumbar) region often stems from injuries to the joints of the spine or intervertebral discs. If you’ve been told you have a bulging or herniated disc, chiropractic care can help!


The rotator cuff is made up of 4 individual muscles that run from your shoulder blade (scapula) to outside of your shoulder. Often times, pain in this region begins due to either a traumatic episode, or a history of overuse. Regardless of the cause, pain in the shoulder can very often be treated with various muscle release techniques and home exercise. Even torn rotator cuff musculature can improve significantly without surgery in our office!

Headaches often stem from the structures of the neck, including the joints of the spine, intervertebral discs, and muscles of the neck and upper shoulder region. Many patients find they experience almost an immediate reduction in the severity and frequency of their headaches once they begin chiropractic care.


Frequently asked questions


What Types of Treatment Do You Offer?
Our office primarily treats with a combination of chiropractic adjustments/manipulations, flexion distraction to heal disc injuries, soft tissue techniques, home exercise, and stretching.

Is Chiropractic Care Safe?
Absolutely. Chiropractic care is one of the safest, non-invasive, drug-free therapies that exists for musculoskeletal conditions. In fact, a recent study published by Harvard Med recommended chiropractic care as the first choice for neck or low back complaints…even before taking any over the counter pain medications!

Do You Accept Insurance?
Yes! We accept all major insurances including Blue Cross, Independent Health, Medicare, No Fault, and Workers Compensation, among others.

Do I Need a Referral to Come See You?
Nope! While we often receive direct referrals from local physicians, anyone can come into our office for a treatment, referral or not.

I’ve had a Spinal Surgery Previously. Can I Still Receive Treatment?
Absolutely. While some surgical histories can change our treatment approach, we are still able to make significant progress with most cases involving lumbar/cervical fusions, microdiscectomy, and disc replacement surgery.